I struggle and learn, I face obstacles and grow, I solve problems and emerge. T hen, I go on in search of more and start all over again.
face 21-25- Sketchbook Practice -100 faces challenge In finding my way back to drawing and painting, I discovered another wonderful artist, Tamara Laporte, aka “Willowing”. She has such a gentle & whimsical personality, I’m sure she’s secretly a faery in real life! Tam is such a generous teacher and offers…
Read More...face 20- Custom Blythe Doll -100 faces challenge Face #20; Custom Blythe Doll- Graphite Sketch in 9″x12″ Sketchbook I wondered if after so many years spent carving and painting custom Blythe dolls, I could actually draw her… or at least my version of her. lol
Read More...face 19- Faery Girl -100 faces challenge Face #19; Faery Girl -Graphite Sketch in 5.5″x9″ Sketchbook Continuing down memory lane… This was drawn around the time I started studying and practicing more realistic shading while drawing faery girls in my sketchbooks
Read More...face 18- Like Oils -100 faces challenge I look at this unfinished drawing and it seems like I created it in another lifetime. Face #18, Colored Pencils Like Oils -Colored Pencils on 5″x7″ Hot Press Watercolor Paper I was just getting back to drawing and painting and felt lost as…
Read More...face 17- In the Flow -100 faces challenge Short & sweet today… Practicing tiny faces in 9×12 sketchbook Face #17; In the Flow- Graphite Sketch in 9×12 sketchbook
Read More...face 16- Girl with a Bow -100 faces challenge Drawn after taking JaneDavenport ’s, online workshop “Draw Happy” a few years ago. A wonderful online art workshop for learning to draw from the imagination. Colored Pencil Drawing in 5.5″x9″ sketchbook Jane has such a bubbly and fun personality! She’s an incredible teacher…
Read More...face 15- The Sea -100 faces challenge She is a whisper on the waves, she is the tides of the sea. An older drawing from 2015 where I was working out thoughts in my sketchbook. Even though it was only 3 years ago, it feels like another lifetime already. Looking…
Read More...face 14- Ostrich Girl -100 faces challenge I have this whole animal-girl theme I’m working on at the moment, which was inspired by some of my older sketches like this one. I don’t draw in this style any more, but love how going through older (and many incomplete!) sketches and…
Read More...face 11-13- Evolution of a Faery -100 faces challenge Face #11-13; Evolution of a Faery- Graphite Sketch in 9×12 Sketchbook For the next few posts, I’ll be taking a stroll down memory lane, where I found my way back to drawing and painting. I’ll also be sharing my favorite Art…
Read More...face 9- Large Charcoal Portrait -100 faces challenge Face #9- Charcoal on 22″x30″ Paper Charcoal on 22″x30″ Paper Created over the past year during online workshops taught by Gillian Lee Smith & Kara Strachan Bullock. I have learned so much from each of these incredible teachers! Thank you both for all…
Read More...For Prints, Postcards, Sculptures and Unique One of a Kind Art